Arraylist is one of the most flexible data structure from list, Array List contains a simple list of values and very easily we can add, insert, delete, and view etc. to do with ArrayList. It is very flexible because we can add without any size information, which is it grow dynamically and also shrink.
Important list of arraylist
Add : Add an Item in an ArrayList
Insert : Insert an Item in a specified position in an ArrayList
Remove : Remove an Item from ArrayList
RemoveAt: remeove an item from a specified position
Sort : Sort Items in an ArrayList
How to add an Item in an ArrayList ?
Syntax : ArrayList.add(Item)
Item : The Item to be add the ArrayList
Dim ItemList As New ArrayList()
How to Insert an Item in an ArrayList ?
Syntax : ArrayList.insert(index,item)
index : The position of the item in an ArrayList
Item : The Item to be add the ArrayList
ItemList.Insert(3, "item6")
How to remove an item from arrayList ?
Syntax : ArrayList.Remove(item)
Item : The Item to be add the ArrayList
How to remove an item in a specified position from an ArrayList ?
Syntax : ArrayList.RemoveAt(index)
index : the position of an item to remove from an ArrayList
How to sort ArrayList ?
Syntax : ArrayListSort()
The following VB.NET source code shows some function in ArrayList
Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim i As Integer Dim ItemList As New ArrayList() ItemList.Add("Item4") ItemList.Add("Item5") ItemList.Add("Item2") ItemList.Add("Item1") ItemList.Add("Item3") MsgBox("Shows Added Items") For i = 0 To ItemList.Count - 1 MsgBox(ItemList.Item(i)) Next 'insert an item ItemList.Insert(3, "Item6") 'sort itemms in an arraylist ItemList.Sort() 'remove an item ItemList.Remove("Item1") 'remove item from a specified index ItemList.RemoveAt(3) MsgBox("Shows final Items the ArrayList") For i = 0 To ItemList.Count - 1 MsgBox(ItemList.Item(i)) Next End Sub End Class