Implicit Type Conversions
Implicit Conversion perform automatically in VB.NET, that is the compiler is taking care of the conversion.
The following example you can see how it happen.
1. Dim iDbl As Double
2. Dim iInt As Integer
3. iDbl = 9.123
4. MsgBox("The value of iDbl is " iDbl)
5. iInt = iDbl
6. MsgBox("The value of iInt is " iInt)
line no 1 : Declare a Double datatype variable iDble
line no 2 : Declare an Integer datatyoe variable iInt
line no 3 : Assign a decimal value to iDbl
line no 4 : Display the value of iDbl
line no 5 : Assign the value of iDbl to iInt
line no 6 : Display the value of iInt
The first messagebox display the value of iDbl is 9.123
The second messegebox display the value od iInt is 9
iInt display only 9 because the value is narrowed to 9 to fit in an Integer variable.
Here the Compiler made the conversion for us. These type fo conversions are called Implicit Conversion .
The Implicit Conversion perform only when the Option Strict switch is OFF
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Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim iDbl As Double
Dim iInt As Integer
iDbl = 9.123
MsgBox("The value of iDbl is " & iDbl)
iInt = iDbl
'after conversion
MsgBox("The value of iInt is " & iInt)
End Sub
End Class
Explicit Type Conversions
In some cases we have to perform conversions , that is the compiler does not automatically convert a type to another . These type of conversion is called Explicit conversion . An explicit conversion uses a type conversion keyword. With these conversion keywords we hav to perform the Explicit Conversion.
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